Jan 17, 2024

Discovering the Power of Overarching Themes

My Journey to Better Storytelling
My Journey to Better Storytelling
My Journey to Better Storytelling
Justkay - Storyflow Founder
Justkay - Storyflow Founder
Justkay - Storyflow Founder

Justkay - Storyflow Founder

Jan 17, 2024

Discovering the Power of Overarching Themes: My Journey to Better Storytelling

Hey there, I'm Alex. If you’re like I was a few years ago, you might not fully understand what an overarching theme is in storytelling or how it can transform your content. I want to share my journey of discovery and how embracing this concept has revolutionized my videos.

The Beginning: Struggling with Disconnected Content

When I first started making videos, I focused on creating content that highlighted interesting topics and cool effects. I thought if I just made things flashy enough, people would watch. But despite my best efforts, something was missing. My videos weren’t resonating with my audience the way I hoped they would.

I remember one evening, scrolling through the comments on my latest video, feeling disheartened by the lack of engagement. Sure, people said they liked the visuals, but no one seemed deeply moved or inspired. I realized my content lacked a deeper connection with the viewers.

The Discovery: Learning About Overarching Themes

One day, while browsing YouTube for inspiration, I stumbled upon a video essay about storytelling in movies. The presenter talked about the concept of an overarching theme – a central idea or message that ties together every element of a story. It was like a light bulb went off in my head. Could this be what my videos were missing?

An overarching theme, as I learned, is the fundamental message or insight that a story conveys. It’s the glue that holds the narrative together, giving it purpose and direction. For example, themes like perseverance, love, freedom, or redemption resonate deeply with audiences because they touch on universal human experiences.

The Experiment: Applying Themes to My Videos

Eager to test this new knowledge, I decided to experiment with my next video. Instead of just focusing on the technical aspects or the surface-level story, I aimed to weave an overarching theme throughout the content.

I chose the theme of perseverance – a universal idea that everyone can relate to. I wanted to tell a story that was not just visually engaging but also emotionally compelling.

The Transformation: Crafting a Themed Narrative

I started by scripting a video about a local athlete who overcame significant obstacles to achieve his dream of running a marathon. This story was perfect for the theme of perseverance. I made sure every part of the video – the interviews, the training footage, even the music – reinforced this theme.

Here’s how I structured it:

  1. Introduction: I opened with a powerful quote about perseverance, immediately setting the tone.

  2. Backstory: I introduced the athlete and his struggles, making sure viewers understood the depth of his challenges.

  3. Journey: I documented his training journey, highlighting the setbacks and how he overcame them.

  4. Climax: The marathon day – capturing the tension, the moments of doubt, and the ultimate triumph.

  5. Conclusion: I wrapped up with reflections on what perseverance means, tying it back to the broader human experience.

The Outcome: A Deeper Connection with the Audience

When I posted the video, the response was overwhelming. For the first time, viewers weren’t just commenting on the visuals or the editing – they were sharing their own stories of perseverance, thanking me for the inspiration, and even shedding tears.

One comment that stood out to me said, “This video made me feel like I can overcome anything. Thank you for reminding me of the power of perseverance.” That’s when I knew I had tapped into something powerful.

The Lesson: The Importance of Overarching Themes

Using an overarching theme transformed my content. It gave my videos a deeper purpose and made them more relatable and emotionally engaging. Here’s why it works:

  1. Unified Message: An overarching theme ties all elements of the story together, making it cohesive and compelling.

  2. Emotional Resonance: Themes touch on universal human experiences, making the story more relatable and impactful.

  3. Engagement: A strong theme engages viewers on a deeper level, prompting them to reflect, share, and connect.

How to Use Overarching Themes

If you want to apply overarching themes to your storytelling, here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Identify the Core Message: Decide on the central theme or message you want to convey. What’s the fundamental idea you want your audience to take away?

  2. Weave the Theme Throughout: Ensure every element of your story – from the visuals to the dialogue – reinforces the theme. This creates a cohesive and powerful narrative.

  3. Reflect on Universal Experiences: Choose themes that resonate broadly, like love, struggle, triumph, or growth. These universal experiences help your story connect with a wider audience.

  4. Be Authentic: Authenticity is key. Make sure your theme feels genuine and relevant to your story and audience.

Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Themes

My journey to understanding and applying overarching themes has transformed not just my videos, but also how I approach storytelling. It’s no longer about just creating content; it’s about conveying a deeper message that resonates with people on an emotional level.

If you’re struggling to connect with your audience, consider the power of overarching themes. They can turn good content into great content, forging a deeper connection and leaving a lasting impact. So, take a step back, think about the core message you want to share, and start weaving those powerful themes into your stories. Your audience will thank you.